Untitled (detail) (1), 2015, paint, collage and ink on paper, 28 x 37 cm


Anna Sørensen

11.2 - 5.3.2016

Opening: Thursday 11.2. 2016, 5-8pm

Udstillingen præsenterer helt nye værker af Anna Sørensen, hvor sammenspillet mellem maleriet, tegningen og de keramiske arbejder er i fokus. Værkerne er lavet sideløbende og de forskellige medier krydser hinandens spor. Dialogen mellem dem holdes sammen i det non-figurative vokabularium, Anna Sørensen har udviklet gennem flere år, og de tre domæner flyder sammen i rummet i en totalinstallation. Flere forskellige detaljer går igen på tværs af de to- og tredimensionelle værker, særligt en perforering med en masse små huller gentages, og samtidig er farveskalaen nedtonet og mere sort, grå og hvid toner frem. Alle værkerne er lavet i 2015-16 og giver dermed et øjebliksbillede på Anna Sørensens kunst.

English: In this exhibition, we present new works by Anna Sørensen focusing on the interplay between the paintings, the drawings and the ceramic works. The works are created concurrently and the different media intertwines through common paths. The dialogue between them is maintained by the non-figurative vocabulary developed by Anna Sørensen throughout the years, and the three elements melts together in the room in a total installation. Different details reappear multiple times in the two- and three-dimensional works, especially the perforation of a lot of small holes is repeated, and the colour scale is downplayed, as black, grey and white tones appear more. All the works are created in 2015-16, thus they indicate a momentary insight in the art by Anna Sørensen.

Anna Sørensen (b.1968) graduated from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 1996. Selected solo exhibitions: “Clay Walk” Holstebro Kunstmuseum (2014), “Color Groove” Holstebro Kunstmuseum (2008) and “Daisy Diamond” Galleri Tom Christoffersen (2009). Selected group shows: : ”Ikke til salg”, Trapholt Museum of Modern Art, Kolding (2015), ”Ud af skabet”, Artist books, Nivaagaard Art Collection (2015), ”Spatial Colour” (w. Mads Gamdrup) Galleri Kant, Esbjerg (2011), ”Materiel Zone”, Århus Kunstbygning (2009), ”Snow Fall”, Vejen Art Museum, Vejen (2007). Anna Sørensen has executed commissions at Danish Competition and Consumer Authority (2013), and HHX Copenhagen North (2014) commissioned by the Danish Arts Foundation. Anna Sørensen has received several grants a.o.: The Anne Marie Telmanyi Grant (2011) and from Ylva and Aage Nimb’s fund (2010). Anna Sørensen is represented at Holstebro Kunstmuseum with both paintings, collages and ceramics, just as The Danish Art Foundation and the Ny Carlsberg Fund has acquired works by her.


Ler-Papir-Lærred - Anna Sørensen. Installation view. (3)  

Ler-Papir-Lærred - Anna Sørensen. Installation view. (1)  

Ler-Papir-Lærred - Anna Sørensen. Installation view. (2)  

Ler-Papir-Lærred - Anna Sørensen. Installation view.  

Anna Sørensen: Untitled (8), 2015, Acrylic on canvas , 200 x 120 cm  

Anna Sørensen: Untitled (10), 2015, Ceramics, 73 x 33 cm  

Untitled, 2015, Collage, tape and ink on paper, 28 x 37 cm  

Untitled (1), 2015, Paint, collage and ink on paper, 28 x 37 cm  

Untitled (2), 2015, Paint, collage and ink on paper, 28 x 37 cm  

Untitled (3), 2015, Marker and ink on paper, 28 x 37 cm  

Untitled (4), 2015, Paint, collage and ink on paper, 28 x 37 cm  

Untitled (5), 2015, Paint, collage and ink on paper, 28 x 37 cm  

Anna Sørensen: Untitled (13), 2016, Paperobjects, paint and collage on paper , 30 x 15 x 8 cm  

Anna Sørensen: Untitled (14), 2015, Acrylic on canvas, 170 x 150 cm  

Anna Sørensen: Untitled (16), 2015, Acrylic on canvas, 80 x 40 cm  

Anna Sørensen: Untitled (12), 2015, Acrylic on canvas, 80 x 40 cm  

Anna Sørensen: Untitled (6), 2016, Ceramics, 30 x 15 cm  

Anna Sørensen: Untitled (15), 2016, Ceramics, 30 x 15 cm  

Anna Sørensen: Untitled (7), 2015, Ceramics, 73 x 33 cm  

Anna Sørensen: Untitled (11), 2016, Ceramics, 30 x 15 cm  

Anna Sørensen: Untitled (9), 2015, Ceramics, 73 x 33 cm